This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.



The Plugin adds an link preview box to your post.
The link preview box will be displayed like in Facebook! 🙂

This plugin can be used for free for maximal 10 URL Preview Boxes.

Perhaps you are familiar with Facebook.
When you write a post in Facebook and you paste an URL into your text,
Facebook detects that URL and adds automatically information about that URL under your post.

This plugin does it not automatically, you have to use the extra button in the visual editor (“URL BOX”).
Or you just write [urlpreviewbox url=”\https://….”] into your text.
This plugin loads information about that URL from server.

  1. Title of that page
  2. Description of that page
  3. An URL of an image

And the plugin displays it below your post.

Facebook supports only one preview box per post.
This plugin supports many preview boxes within one post, if you want.

Do you want to see it live on production servers?

Look here (copy and paste the URLs into your browser):

Example web pages, who use it:ürttemberg/



Internationalization (i18n)

Currently we have the plugin configured so it can be easily translated and the following languages supported:

  • de_DE – German in Germany
  • en_US – English in the U.S.
  • zh_CN – China
  • es_ES – Spanish in Spain
  • ru_RU – Russian in the Russian Federation

If your language is not listed above, feel free to create a translation. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Copy “gurlpb-en.pot” to “gurlpb-LANG_COUNTRY.pot” – fill in LANG and COUNTRY with whatever you use for WPLANG in wp-config.php
  2. Grab a transalation editor. POedit works for us
  3. Translate each line


  • First screen. Register to use full functionality.
  • Writing an post and adding an URL for the career.


This plugin provides 2 blocks.

  • good-url-preview-box/gurlpb
  • gutenberg-boilerplate-es5/gurlpb


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.


  1. Install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Or (optional) unzip our archive and upload tthe plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  4. Use the Settings->”URL Preview” screen to configure the plugin
  5. If you are a company, then please register at and paste your registration-code into the plugin setting page Settings->”URL Preview”


Why do I NOT see a preview box, when I write a post

This is correct. If you want to see the preview box, then you have to exit the admin area.
What you have to do is, save/update your post and then click on “View post” and then you see it.

Why does the preview box sometimes does not show up?

Sometimes there are not enough data to fill the preview box.
We do not support pdf-links, mp3-links, m4-links, …
Only html pages are supported.

Why does the preview box sometimes shows up only after reload?

It needs time to collect data from other webpages
and sometimes we have to make a screenshot from the page.
That needs some seconds.
When you click reload, then the data are available/collected/cached.


Ogwomunaana (Muwakanya) 18, 2019
After activating the plugin, the admin panel becomes unavailable – it is redirected to when the menu item is overloaded Add: Also plugin files in the wrong encoding.
Ogwekkuminogumu (Museenene) 30, 2018
Advertises itself to look free, but you can only use ten boxes. What’s the point? Feels like cheapo shareware to me. I’ll just paste the media myself and add the link.
Ogwomwenda (Mutunda) 14, 2017
Removed all the style buttons above the main text field in posts and pages edit. Problem might be related to your custom icon adding.
Ogwekkuminogumu (Museenene) 25, 2016 1 reply
The best preview box for WP with many adjustments
Ogwekkumi (Mukulukusa) 31, 2016
That was really needed, because the automatic URL detection failed sometimes at very different designed WordPress templates. This is the WordPress plugin, what I exactly needed. I use it now and will use it in the next years for sure.
Read all 7 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“URL-Preview-Box” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “URL-Preview-Box” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



Hot Bugfix for Gutenberg 5.3 – is_gutenberg_page() is not working in gutenberg anymore!?!?


Bugfix for user with licence-key: More then 10 preview box per post are allowed yet.


Bugfix for WordPress 4.9.9 and smaller


Support of the new WordPress Editor Gutenberg.
Plugin limit you to 10 Boxes, if you do not have purchased a licence key.


Added in admin area:
– Set maximal number of lines for a url preview box
– Change the clickable text link in an url preview box


Registration page added.


Better reset/reload of cached URL data


Added: Reset data for one single preview box (force reload image and description).


  • Statistics added. How many times are the preview boxed displayed. Many views in one user session is counted as one view.


Not used this version number.


  • Bugfix: Text: “Guteurls loading…” did not disapear. Now a js will hide it, after loading page.


  • Bugfix: Article title link to external URL
  • New feature: Admin settings: hide preview image


  • Excerpt: visible box in excerpt


  • bugfix: visible [urlpreviewbox url=….]


  • New feature: Now you can define manually in the text editor, which URL should have an URL preview box.


  • Minor bugfix


  • First public release.